The structure of this type of website is more dynamic than others

With this type of structure, users can freely determine what link or page they want to visit next. Users can have their own search experience by utilizing the search feature.How to Create an SEO Friendly Website Structure?There are several steps you need to take to create an SEO friendly website structure, namely:1. Make Plans FirstTry writing down all the content ideas you want to include on your website. Then, group all the content into more general categories. Then arrange them all so that they relate to each other.For example, you want to use a hierarchical structure.

You just need to sort the content

Something like this:hierarchical structure. Pay attention Spain Data to the page link on the homepageThe homepage is at the top of the website structure. This means that the homepage is the first page that visitors access before going to other pages.That’s why you need to link some of the most important page links to the homepage. That way, the opportunity for visitors to open important pages is greater. They will also find information more easily.3. Create Clear NavigationTo have a well-structured homepage, you need to create clear navigation.

There are two types of navigation that

Phone data

MenuThe menu is the main navigation element on the website. Usually, the main menu is placed at the top of the homepage. To be precise, next to the logo or website name.Many people use menus to display category pages that contain a lot of content. Apart from that, the menu can also be used to link to a landing page or contact page.For example, the Niagahoster website. On our homepage, you can find the main menu containing categories of Niagahoster products and services. Niagahoster menu category Turkey Phone Number Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs are additional navigation on a website.

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