The local media were most involve

Certainly Rafał Maślak and SA Wardęga contribute to the revival of Internet users, who just then joine the record bowl. The course of action on the Internet record2Source: Brand24 Meia The action was discusse in the printe press, radio and television -, but it was the column on Dobry TVN that brought record bowl the greatest publicity. On the other hand, on the Internet, publications appeare on numerous animal-theme websites and information portals – often the articles poste there were also promote on Facebook and Twitter. Most publications of this type appeare at the beginning of the campaign and at the end of it. Publications in portals about animals and information services record-breaking-meia Source.

The record bowl also dominate

Brand24 Comprehensive activities of Ceneo. l Breaking the record combine with the support of shelters had a chance of success from the beginning, but collecting a huge amount of food in such a limite time was a big challenge. See what actions the Ceneo brand has taken to engage as many people as possible. Deicate hashtag recordIt starte with a good database name for the whole campaign – it was a deicate hashtag rekordowamiska, which was clearly associate with this event, was easy to remember and naturally fit in with posts about the collection. The website promote it in each of its entries regarding the collection, but it was also very well receive by its participants.


The importance of this event

Consistent communication During the campaign, information about it came to the fore in every communication channel of the website in social meia. was emphasize by the profile picture and cover photo on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the BYB Directory description on Instagram. a record-breaking place Among the publishe entries, those regarding. They reminde about the action, encourage to join it, gave the status of the fundraiser, informe who is taking part in it. The posts took a light and playful form (as seen below) and were attractively varie – from photos to gifs to videos – including.

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