This navigation is in the form of text containing links

Breadcrumbs help visitors know their position on your website. The following is an example of a breadcrumbs trail on a website.contoh breadcrumbs4. Use TaxonomiesSo that your navigation is more organized, try using the taxonomies system in WordPress or another CMS. Taxonomies are used to group content based on categories or tags. So, visitors can more easily find other articles on the same topic. Categories One blog can consist of several general categories.

In an online fashion store

You can create categories such as “Women”, “Men”, “Children”, and others.So, each category can still be made more detailed with Sweden Data subcategories. For example in “T-shirts”, “Shirts”, “Pajamas”, “Jackets”, “Underwear”, “Bottoms”, and so on.TagsApart from creating categories, you can also use tags to group content. In contrast to categories whose structure is hierarchical, tags have no structure.Even so, tags are still important to use. Tags can show visitors that there are other related products or posts.

Website visitors can look for other content

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Don’t forget internal links!Maybe you are starting to understand that website structure is related to content categorization and links to related content. Therefore, now is the time to learn how to use internal links.Internal link is a term for connecting content on your website. This internal link cannot be done carelessly. Two linked pages must have related topics.The following is a further discussion about internal links for two types of websites:Internal Links for BlogsFor blogs, it’s the same as arranging the category hierarchy earlier. You should write about some more UAE Phone Number general or wide-ranging topics first. Then you create various posts from several of the main topics.

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