Homepage link along with important pages

Niagahoster sitelink example Creating sitelinks is very useful for your website’s on-page SEO . Some of the benefits include:Increase brand reputation.Increase customer trust.Helping you dominate search results.Increase click rate.Speed ​​up conversions. Homepage link Avoid competing content from the same websiteThe website structure prevents you from the possibility of competing content ( cannibal content ).

This kind of competition is very detrimental because it reduces the traffic that each content gets.The competition in question may occur when you have several blog post content that is similar.

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This similar content makes it difficult for South Africa Data Google to decide which content is the most important. The result is that your content competes with each other to be in the top position on Google.The solution, you have to create a good taxonomy structure and internal links. So the content is more clearly related and does not compete with each other.

Various Types of Homepage link Website StructuresMany people think that there is only one type of correct website structure. In fact, there are four types of website structures that you can use. Anything?website structure typeHierarchy.

This type of website structure is the most

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Parent pages with more general/extensive information are at the top of the structure. The parent page is then categorized into several child pages with more detailed information.Linear. The sequence type website structure is the simplest.

All Homepage link information is arranged linearly. It can be from the most general to the most specific. Can also be done alphabetically. This structure is suitable for educational or training websites.Matrix. The matrix type website structure provides many relevant links for users. With various collections Thailand Phone Number of topics. Users are free to choose which link or page they want to visit next.Network.

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