LSI keyword in the Trending column

You can also view search trends for each . Make sure the LSI keywords you choose have been trending positively over the past 12 months. 4. View Top Ranking Pages View your competitors’ pages that are at the top of the search results. You must be wondering which LSI keywords they use to rank high, right? Therefore, you can also use keyword research tools. Below we explain how to use two tools, Ubersuggest (free) and Ahrefs (paid). Content Creation with Ubersuggest Ubersuggest allows you to search for keywords in your content.

Follow these steps to learn how

On the Ubersuggest homepage, enter your Cambodia Data main topic. Change country to Indonesia. Then click Search. Scroll down to the Content Ideas section. Choose articles with high search traffic and social shares. Then click on the keyword. You’ll see a list of keywords used in the selected content. ubersuggest Keyword lists in content ideas are easy, right? Unfortunately, since this tool is free, there are still many limitations to its use. For example, you can’t sort content based on traffic and backlinks. So, you have to check each variable one by one. Beyond that, you can only evaluate keywords and backlinks for up to seven pieces of content. Leveraging Ahrefs Features Ahrefs is one of the most full-featured SEO tools out there. But you must subscribe first to enjoy all features.

Ahrefs is the keyword browser

Phone data

This feature displays the complete LSI keywords related to a topic. Here’s how to search for LSI keywords in Ahrefs: Go to the Keyword Browser dashboard. Enter the topic of your choice. Change the country to Indonesia and click the search button. In the left menu, click Rank simultaneously. You will now see a list of LSI keywords measured against multiple metrics. For example, keyword difficulty, search volume, and click volume. The dashboard also ranks Ahrefs and tries to select LSI keywords with low keyword difficulty, high search volume, and high Cambodia Phone Number List organic clicks. These are all characteristics that make it easier for you to rank higher.

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