LSI aka Latent Semantic Indexing keywords

Words or sentences that search engines consider to be semantically related. This set of keywords is one of the factors search engines consider when ranking a website in search results. Sound too technical? Let’s give an example. Let’s say you write about the moon (satellite) on your website. How does your website appear in search results for astronomical objects? Why isn’t your content showing up in search results for month (calendar)? This is Indexing keywords because your content contains words semantically related to the moon (such as satellite, eclipse, celestial body, or orbit) (LSI keywords). Therefore, search engines will identify semantically related words. So your content can be tied to a specific topic. Fill in the moon search theme a little intermezzo.

LSI is an ancient technology?

Even Google doesn’t use it. Yes, you Australian Data read that right. Google does not use LSI technology. To display relevant search results, they use Word2vec technology developed by the Google Brain team. But does that mean using semantically related words on Google doesn’t have any SEO benefits? Not really. The word vector approach used by Word2vec has Indexing keywords essentially the same properties as its predecessor (LSI). They all use semantically related words. The difference is that LSI was not created to accommodate a load as large as the Web. In fact, LSI has only used 9 documents covering human-computer interaction topics for testing in the past.

Meanwhile his successors have been

Phone data

Able to deal with more complex issues. However, why do many people still use the term LSI today? This is because the use of semantically related words originates from LSI. Therefore, the method’s identity remains attached to the LSI. How does LSI work? The working Indexing keywords principle of LSI is actually quite Indexing keywords complicated. Because in practice, LSI uses complex mathematical formulas to understand the relationship between words. But you don’t actually need to literally understand how it works. You just need to know the general outline. It’s more or less a process: Search engines look for similarities in the words you use. For example, month has two meanings, satellite month and calendar month. The word will be Australia Phone Number List identified using semantically related words.

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