The use of Internet monitoring

The Zelmer brand showe how to do it really well. Thanks to Brand24, she found a 4-year-old vacuum cleaner enthusiast and invite him to. Her factory to see how these amazing creatures ae made. Birthday cake The hero of this story i Wojtuś – as his. Mother calls him – “a fanatic of household appliances”, whose birthday. Cake this year took the shape of a Zelmer vacuum cleaner. The boy’s mother share a photo of this work on Instagram. Tagging it with the hashtags birthday, AGD, zelmer, vacuum cleaner. Here this unusual cake: tort-zelmer Soon after The Zelmer brand, monitoring. Among others, its name and relate hashtags in Brand24, found Mrs. Justyna’s entry and did not ignore the boy’s passion.

We want to be as close as possible

She decide to get to know Wojtuś and his family. Which i why a very interesting proposition was prepare for them – an invitation to the factory in Rzeszów. comment-zelmer and the use of Brand24 allows us to reach users who show. Sympathy for the Latest Mailing Database brand. By listening and joining the discussion, we can talk to our customers on an ongoing basis, answer their questions and doubts, and thank them for their positive opinions. to our consumers to provide them with the best. Possible service and make their dreams come true. Sebastian Kucharski, e-marketing specialist at BSH Home Appliances Wojtus and the vacuum cleaner factory The little birthday boy, his older brother Krzyś and. His mother accepte the invitation.

Latest Mailing Database

The smile did not leave your faces

They visite the Zelmer factory, where they could see. How vacuum cleaners are made in a nice atmosphere. There were also tey bears and another cake. You can watch this adventure in. This video: Probably, watching Wojtuś in the factory,. No BYB Directory wonder – the film evokes very positive emotions, which can be seen in his comments: comment2 komentarz1 komentarz3 Captivating Zelmer stories In addition to little Wojtuś found. Thanks to Internet monitoring, the Zelmer brand also involve.

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