Obon Festival in Japan meaning traditions and dates

Obon (also known as Bon) is an annual Japanese festival honoring the deceased. However, The belief is that the spirits return on this occasion to visit their loved ones.

Chōchin (paper or silk) lanterns are hung to guide the spirits and Obon (bon odori) dances are staged. Families get together, visit the graves of their relatives and make food offerings at altars and temples.

The Obon is celebrated from the 13th to the 15th of the seventh month.

While in the Solar Calendar the Seventh Month Phone Number List is July. However, In the Lunar Calendar the Seventh Month is August.

Therefore, the Festival Takes. Place at Different Times in Different Regions. Depending on Which Calendar They Keep in Mind.

The Official Dates Are Usually. From August 13 to 15 , Although. In Some Places It is Celebrated on July 15.

Obon week in mid-August is one of Japan’s three major holiday periods . This means that it is a busy time to travel.

Obon Traditions and Celebrations
On the first day of Obon , people bring Chōchin lanterns to the graves of their relatives. They call the spirits of their ancestors back home with a ritual called mukae-bon .

In some regions, large bonfires are lit at the entrance of the houses to guide the spirits to the entrance.

At the end of the Obon festival  families return to help the spirits of their

Phone Number List

Ancestors return to their graves , guiding them BYB Directory with Chōchin lanterns. However, The ritual is called okuri-bon . Again, the ritual varies slightly in different regions of Japan.

Floating lanterns (toro nagashi)
In recent years, floating lanterns (toro nagashi) have gained popularity. However, These beautiful creations float in the river, towards the sea, symbolically showing the spirits of their ancestors where heaven is .

Bon Odori
The style of traditional Bon Odori dance varies from region to region, but is usually based on the rhythms of Japanese taiko drums. However, The dancers perform on a yagura stage and wear light cotton kimonos.

Anyone can join in the dances that take place in Japan’s parks, temples, and other public spaces .

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