What is children’s advertising?

How is abusive children’s advertising characterized?

Taking into account the fragility of the target audience, that is, that children are easier to persuade, the problem begins to arise when unethical means are used when focusing communication on the little ones to persuade them that they need a product. in particular.

They become propagators of that product and act to effectively make the purchase, convincing their parents .Another form of abuse is forcing a child to buy something so that they do not feel left out or inferior.

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Children’s advertising becomes abusive WhatsApp Number Data when the marketing and promotion of the product focuses on convincing the child, through methods considered dubious, to make the purchase. After all, the target audience is extremely vulnerable and susceptible to consumption, as such individuals are not mature people or those who fully discern the economic reality of the adult world .

It was then that specialists began to see the need to better regulate this market, not only because of the possibility of this excessive manipulation, but also because of possible unhealthy approaches, such as early eroticization.

The impacts of this advertising on children

Due to the hypervulnerability of children, the impact that advertising can have on them is much greater than on an adult. This is why children’s advertising is so controversial. According to experts from Conanda , children’s advertising ignores the authority of parents and can even nullify it, seeking to fill spaces during the time when the child is not under the direct supervision of parents. parents or other relatives.

National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents

In Brazil, there are 22 regulations that regulate children’s advertising, in the United Kingdom there are 16 and in the United States 15. In countries such as Sweden, Norway, Canada (Quebec only) and Germany, children’s advertising is prohibited.

Children’s advertising in the digital environment

In an attempt to avoid strict regulations, some companies decided to go digital. Although, according to a survey carried out in 2014 by the National Television Panel, from Ibope, children spend an average of 5h35min a day in front of the television, the greater influence that the Internet has on today’s children is evident, especially in the youngest. little ones.

A study conducted by Viacom in 2017 found

Brazilian children ages 2 to 5 spend 50% more time BYB Directory on the Internet than the world average. According to research from App Guardian, a parenting app, children ages 5 to 15 spend an average of 25 hours a month watching YouTube . If you add YouTube Kids and Youtube Go, this time goes up to 47 hours. In the same research, it was found that the average time on the cell phone is 5.7 hours a day, and on weekends this figure rises to 6.9 hours.

The Internet children’s advertising market

YouTube was recently fined $170 million by U.S. regulators for collecting data and targeting ads at children. This value was calculated based on the estimated profit the platform had when targeting ads to children. In addition to the fine, the company was forced to adapt within a period of 4 months, to guarantee greater protection for children.

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