Translate your site with the tools of your CMS

You’ve now translated all the pages on your site and optimized your content for the regions you want to reach. What is the next step? Translating your website content is undoubtedly the most difficult part of this job, but implementing it is just as important. I will explain some ways to do it depending on the platform you use. WordPress There is a huge variety of WordPress plugins that you can use to translate your website. When you open  for the first time, the installation wizard will appear. Here you can translate your website strings into the languages ​​you selected in the previous step. In the WordPress menu, select “Appearance” and then “Menus.” Create a menu for each language. You can assign each menu to its corresponding theme in “Menu Settings”.

Take care of the details when translating your website

It is not enough to translate your blog articles. All aspects of your website should be aimed at visitors from other countries. Additionally the more detailed your translation. The more sig WhatsApp Number nals you send to Google about the location of your website. Contributes to a better position in the SERP. These are some of the things you should translate. Infographics header images Descriptions in image metadata Menus and options Forms Pop-up ads Calls to action Automatic emails Downloadable materials Use  tags tags are lines of code. That tell Google the language of a web page. Adding these tags will improve your SERP position and require little work, so be sure to implement them.

Pencil Speech Case Study

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Not convinced that international SEO is worth it? We assure you that once you realize its enormous opportunities. You will know that it is the right decision. That of Pencil Speech. The objec BYB Directory tives of our business have been escalating from conquering the local market. To dominating the regional market and recently expanding to compete in other latitudes. Even  some English-speaking clients had arrived through referrals. If you show a prospect a landing page in a language they can’t understand, you won’t make a good impression. Afterwards, we proceeded to translate each of our articles using professional translators. We want to show potential clients from other countries that we understand how SEO works. As this graph of the performance of our English website demonstrates, international SEO practices were successful.

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