SEO for images and videos

For each image, you need to have a meaningful ALT text. ALT text is displayed in the browser when an image fails to load and is used by search engines to understand what the image is about. When writing your ALT text, try to incorporate keywords naturally. For example, if you have an image showing a road filled with flowers, the ALT text could be a long road with beautiful flowers on either side. Image Captions – For each image, you can also provide a caption. This is the short description that appears below the image. Captions can be similar to ALT text, with a little more detail.

Add structured data markup SEO for images

Structured data markup isn’t just available for video. There are several schemes you can use on WhatsApp Number your landing page depending on the product or service you are selling. Schemas can improve the presentation of your search snippet and also help your page rank higher. Through schemas, you can provide more information to search engines about what you sell, how much it costs, how much is in stock, and a lot of other useful information.

Optimized for mobile

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To optimize your landing page for mobile devices, ensure the following factors: Mobile pages do not have horizontal scrolling. Have all the page’s content on the desktop interface Fast download speed. There are no ads or other annoying elements for mobile users. Views well on different resolutions. 10. Optimize speed The loading speed of a page is a known SEO ranking factor. Fast-loading pages are more BYB Directory likely to rank higher than slower pages. For landing pages, speed is even more important as various studies have shown the impact of speed on sales and better conversions by up to 20%

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