One Of The Fathers Of Catalan Modernism

Montaner was born in Barcelona and studied physical-mathematical sciences architecture, the latter being his great passion since he was a child. Upon graduating, he traveled Of Catalan Modernism through Europe with the aim of learning about the new architectural trends that were marking the beginning of the century. Upon his return, Montaner obtained a professorship at the Barcelona College of Architecture . Thus, he exerted a notable influence on Catalan architecture  beginning to design buildings with exceptional ornamental elements, a Spanish-Arab influence.

Soon their buildings began to be less heavy

He added ceramics, mosaics, polychrome glass. He was inspired by European countries to bring all these ideas to Barcelona. Where he would transmit his ideas to his students, the future architects of Catalonia and modernist art . Montaner brought, without a doubt, curved shapes and Asian influence to Japan Phone Number List modernism , in addition, he promoted an increasingly lighter architecture with fine lines. The main works. Montaner left great works in the streets of Barcelona. Many of them have been declared UNESCO heritage sites and are part of the most typical Catalan scene. Next, we review the most emblematic works of Lluís Domènech i Montaner .

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Palau de The Palau de la Música

It is the work of Lluís Domènech i Montaner and one of the most advanced modernist buildings for the time thanks to the enormous technological innovation it entailed. It has large glass walls and ornaments that include all applied arts , from forging to ceramics, including sculpture. The decoration is an allegory to nature and music. It was classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO . Sant Pau Modernist site (1905 and 1930) The modernist Brazil Phone Number List site of Sant Pau is an old hospital that represents a new hospital model in which hygiene, lighting, ventilation and open spaces and the sun were key in the recovery of patients. It is a set of unique and different modernist buildings and pavilions , connected by underground corridors.


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