If that’s the case, the website’s SEO will be bad

To prevent that from happening, you need to redirect the URL of the page you deleted. By redirecting the page, instead of finding a 404 error page, your users will find another relevant page.Also read: Complete Guide to Website Audit for BeginnersAvoid the Same KeywordsYour website will contain a lot of content. From broad topics to specific ones. So you have to be careful with the same or very similar keywords when adding content.If not, you could lose your ranking on Google. That’s because you are competing with articles on your own website.

Therefore, it is necessary to research

Your content performance. So, you know Taiwan Data what to do. For example, is it necessary to combine content with the same keywords or redirect.Check the Taxonomy AgainChecking website taxonomy is one way to manage website structure. Try checking again whether the arrangement of your website’s categories and subcategories still matches the content created.For example, there is one category that contains more content than other categories. That means you might need to create a new category.

On the other hand, if there is a category

Phone data

That contains only a few pages, it is better to just delete that category. You can also choose to move the page and combine it into another category.Then, if you create an HTML sitemap manually, try to update the sitemap after changing your site structure. However, if you have an XML sitemap, re-submit the sitemap back to Google Console.It’s time to create an SEO friendly website structure!A good website structure increases your website’s reputation in the eyes of Google and visitors. That’s why there’s no harm USA Phone Number in spending more energy to pay attention to this one thing.

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