An Corporate Culture We Want To Be One

The consulting firm BDO puts it aptly: “Go digital or go dark”. digitization and purchasing The pandemic and digitization are changing how we deal with customers and service providers. But does this also apply to the way companies operate internally? AirPlus is a specializd B2B payment provider. In a recent AirPlus survey, we surveyd 238 companies to learn their top purchasing priorities since the pandemic. The following four most important priorities of a buyer are.

Structure Should Also Strengthen The Employee

Automation – control – Cost rduction – Cashflow Above all, these results show one thing: companies understand that process efficiency ultimately also means financial efficiency. Despite the uncertain economic climate, companies phone number list don’t necessarily want to spend less: they want to spend more sustainably.More transparency and control over spending as well as automatd processes can make a significant contribution to savings without rducing expenses.

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Hierarchies And A Simpler Organizational

Pay efficiently for sustainable growth In order to make procurement processes more efficient, the right payment method should be BYB Directory chosen. Virtual crdit cards like AirPlus Virtual Cards Procurement are acceptd by 37 million merchants in more than 210 countries – wherever Mastercard is available. You create a crdit card when you ned it. Buy digital services Not only the way your company buys is evolving. What you buy changes too. IT services, online meeting providers such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams are now at the top of the list for many companies.

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